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Day 18: Historical Theme
Historical gaming is for the history/war buff. Most of the games are actually a subdomain call Wargames. Most of the games use miniatures. In the wargames players re-create wars […]
Day 17: Steampunk
Oh goodness! I wish I didn’t have to work and could just sit and write all day about Steampunk. It is my current favorite everything! (except my family […]
Day 16: Science Fiction
When I think of science fiction and gaming I automatically think of Star Wars and Star Trek. This is strange because I know sci-fi is so much more. […]
5 Minute Initiative: Warmachine High Command
In this 5 Minute Initiative, Marty and I discuss the new Privateer Press deck building game Warmachine: High Command. The game was designed by David Carl who also did Heap for […]
Day 5: Fantasy Theme
I hope that everyone has learned something about different genres or types of games. That is the way the game is played. There is something for people who […]
Day 14: Dice Games
I hope everyone is having a great Colombus Day! I am heading to work. I am a teacher and we have a teacher workday. I enjoy my job and working […]
Day 13: Sunday Morning Coffee and Chit Chat #2
Mr, Keurig ready for Halloween gamers Ahhhh….my coffee tastes extra good this morning. We joined everyone else and bought a Keurig yesterday. They were on sale at Costco. […]
Day 12: Worker Placement Games
I am later writing this post because the weekend always finds me working to pick up the house and clean before the work week. My boys always jump in and […]
Day 11: Miniature Gaming
In case you are wondering miniature gaming is not gaming for toddlers and it is not miniature sized games! It is games played with manipulatives that are miniature figures, planes, […]
Day 10: Roleplaying Games
October is flying by! I can’t believe we are on day 10 already! I hope you are enjoying TheNester’s 31 day series or if you have joined us […]