
  • Episode 7 – Rollin’ Them Bones

    Roll the dice and take a listen to Episode 7. In this episode, we talk about dice games, what we think makes a good dice game, and just how people […]

  • 5 Minute Initiative: Eminent Domain

    Eminent Domain brings pictures to mind of the Federal Government taking control of your land or property for the good of others, whether you like it or not. In this […]

  • 5 Minute Initiative-Android: Netrunner

    Marty had this brilliant idea that we should do 5 minute podcasts to discuss stuff that is going on in the gaming world. Stuff like: Game Reviews Game Reports Interesting […]

  • Episode 6 – Catan: Why you can’t burn your neighbors city

    Episode 6 is out for debate. We were lucky enough to have Todd join us for this episode in which we discuss Eurogames vs Ameritrash. To help people have some […]

  • Episode 5 – Can’t we just all get along (Coop Games)

    Episode 5 is out for consumption and it is all about Coop games, one of our favorite style of games. In the first 5 minutes, we don’t jump into Coop […]

  • Episode 4 – It’s Up, And It’s Good!

    The title says it all, this episode we focus on football games from the past and games that we are playing now that have a football theme .  First segment […]

  • Episode 3 – What do rainbows smell like?

    Episode 3 is out for consumption. In this podcast:  Marty and I attempt to explain our understanding of the various card games out on the market. We talk about CCGs or […]

  • Episode 2

    Our 2nd episode of Rolling Dice & Taking Names is now available. In this episode we have: Casual Corner – Ticket To Ride End of year picks – Top Game, […]

  • Episode 1 – The Beginning

    Our premier episode of Rolling Dice & Taking Names is now available. In this episode we have: Introductions Casual Corner – Settlers of Catan Gift ideas for Christmas – Smash […]

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