5 Minute Initiative
5 Minute Initiative, Convention, Episode, Guest, Reviews
RDTN Episode 132: Bastion, Sidereal Confluence, Necromunda, Fate of the Elder Gods, and Samurai Gardener
After playing Gentes, we thought all the goodness had come and gone for the year. But no, we are here to tell you that once again, we get blindsided by […]
5 Minute Initiative, Contest, Episode, Guest, Reviews
RDTN Episode 130: Richard the Lionheart, Sundae Split, Alien Artifacts and Ted Alspach
We are back and we have tricked another designer to come on to the show. Ted Alspach joins us and talks about the follow-up to Castles of Mad King Ludwig, […]
5 Minute Initiative, Episode, Flying Squirrels, Reviews
RDTN Episode 129: London, Azul, Flying Squirrels, and Rambling
I am back and ready to get back in the rut of life. You know, play a game, talk about a game, play a game, discuss food, and so on. […]
5 Minute Initiative, Episode, Guest
RDTN Episode 128: 7th Continent, Professor Evil & the Citadel of Time, Codenames: Duet, Shadespire
Tony is on vacation for this episode, but before he left we were able to record our views on Codenames:Duet and Professor Evil and the Citadel of Time. While […]
5 Minute Initiative, Episode, Guest
RDTN Episode 127: Interview Ignacy about Portal’s Alien Artifacts, Review Nmbr 9, Dragonfire, Hafid’s Grand Bazaar
It’s a been while, but we are excited to have Portal Games founder and game designer, Ignacy Trzewiczek, back on the show to tell us about the upcoming game Alien Artifacts. […]
5 Minute Initiative, Convention, Episode
RDTN Episode 125: Clank! in Space, Terraforming Mars Expansion, and The Climbers
Surprise, surprise, surprise. That is right Renegade Studios is releasing Clank! in Space at Gen Con. Talk about keeping things under wraps and making a huge a splash, Renegade might […]
5 Minute Initiative, Contest, Episode, Flying Squirrels, Guest, Reviews
RDTN Episode 124: Summit – The Board Game, Skyward, Isaac Vega, and The Scurry Report
Episode of epic proportions is upon us. Isaac Vega returns to the show after being sent away to an island to contemplate what is next for Plaid Hat Games. In […]
5 Minute Initiative, Episode, Reviews
RDTN Episode 123: Lignum, Downforce, Indulgence, and The Lost Expedition
Episode 123 is just full of the latest and greatest games to hit your shelves. We spend a lot of time talking about a very deep Euro called Lignum that […]
5 Minute Initiative, Convention, Episode, Reviews
RDTN Episode 122: Near and Far, Sentient, Lovecraft Letter, and Pit Crew
We are well rested after our recent vacations and back at the mics. Because of the vacations, we have a backlog of games, so we have four for you in […]
5 Minute Initiative, Episode, Guest, Reviews
RDTN Episode 120: Lorenzo il Magnifico, Emerson Matsuuchi (Century), Honshu, Element
In this jam packed episode we spend time on the new CMON game called Lorenzo il Magnifico. To say it was a unique experience might be putting it somewhat mildly. […]