Author: admin
RDTN – Marty’s Musings – Star Realms Crisis Expansion Pack Spoilers
We got a copy of each of the new Crisis expansion packs for Star Realms. I open all the packs and share each card including the new event and hero cards. […]
Diamonds Challenge – BGG Con 2014
So in an earlier episode we issued a Diamonds Challenge to Chit Chat co-hosts Suzanne Sheldon and Rhiannon Ochs. We caught the event on video and I really don’t have […]
Win Games By Taking Our Year 2 Survey
As our second anniversary rolls around, we’d like to get a finger on the pulse of how we are doing. What works? What doesn’t? Is there any feedback anyone would […]
RDTN BGG Con Daily Vlog
We had such a great time at BGG Con playing tons of awesome games and hanging out with even more awesome people. As such, we decided to record some daily […]
RDTN – New Videos For the Week
As Tony and I start playing around with the video format, we put together several videos and posted them to YouTube. The first is a response to a video posted […]
RDTN 5 Minute Initiative – Dead of Winter
I take a look at the very popular game from Plaid Hat Games, Dead of Winter. Yes the video is 7 minutes long. I’m taking a mulligan.
RDTN – Episode 49 – New York State of Mind w/ special co-host, Marty’s Wife (NYCC, Comic Book TV Shows, Potpourri)
Once again, Tony is on a lavish vacation leaving me behind to produce an episode of the show. So I decided to bring in someone who knows me even better […]
Marty’s Musings – Moon Pies vs Wagon Wheels
In Episode 47 I was discussing the southern treat, Moon Pies. I had heard are similar products and had asked for some for comparison. Kevin Jeffry took me up on […]
Diamonds Tournament at MACE – Charlotte, NC, Nov. 8th
As teased in Episode 48, we are going to run a special event our local convention, MACE, in Charlotte, NC on November 8th. We are hosting a Diamonds tournament. Diamonds […]
RDTN – 5 Minute Initiative – Star Realms [Audio Version]
In this 5 Minute Initiative we look at the deck builder, Star Realms. This is game hot on the table and on digital devices. Easy to learn, plays fast and […]