Recent Posts

  • Missed it by that much

    This week there was a big sale over at one of the online retailers I have used in the past. They were offering 50% off on Mayfair games, the guys […]

  • 5 Second Rule and it isn’t about eating something off the floor

    Apologize for the absence, but since the vacation been trying to catch up and get moving into the new year. Matter of fact, had to get ready for a Warmachine tournament […]

  • Episode 2

    Our 2nd episode of Rolling Dice & Taking Names is now available. In this episode we have: Casual Corner – Ticket To Ride End of year picks – Top Game, […]

  • Really, you listened to it

    Just got back from our vacation and had a wonderful time as always. Plenty of games and just enough Oh Pishaw (Oh Hell) was played to keep it fun 🙂 Discovered […]

  • Post Holiday Thoughts

    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and got some good games. As mentioned in our first podcast, I did receive the games Pit Deluxe (the bell makes it) and Star Fluxx for […]

  • Merry Christmas and Happy Gaming!

    We hope everyone has a great Christmas and holiday season. Our next episode will be posted Jan 2nd. with a new Casual Corner and a look back at gaming in […]

  • Episode 1 – The Beginning

    Our premier episode of Rolling Dice & Taking Names is now available. In this episode we have: Introductions Casual Corner – Settlers of Catan Gift ideas for Christmas – Smash […]

  • Finally, I got to play Agricola

    Last night I was at our local gaming club (QCGC) and had the opportunity to play Agricola. Blasphemy I know. I can hear the comments now “And you call yourself […]

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