Author: admin
Win a $50 Giftcard to Cool Stuff Inc.
Once again, Rolling Dice & Taking Names has been given the opportunity to participate in the Dice Tower Network Cool Stuff Inc $50 Gift Card Giveaway. We are not […]
RDTN 3rd Anniversary Contest
For our 3rd anniversary we are giving away a $30 gift card to Funagain Games. Just answer the question: “Which episode in 2015 has the most downloads? (Episode 56 – […]
Giveaways at GenCon!
Vanessa and I are looking forward to attending GenCon this year. We can’t wait to see all the new games and to hear the industry buzz. But the most exciting thing is […]
Marty’s Musings – LCGs vs Other Card Game Expansions
In a previous Boardgame Breakfast, Chaz Marler answered a question on why expansions for games like Dixit and Dominion weren’t considered LCGs. He gave some great points but I thought […]
RDTN Episode 69 – Love Rollercoaster: Review of Origins 2015 with guest co-host, Rodney Smith
In this episode, Love Rollercoaster, guest host Rodney Smith (Watch It Played) and I discuss our trip to Origins. And what better way to cover all the different topics of […]
RDTN – Marty’s Musings – Dead of Winter Insert Review
I love Dead of Winter, but the game insert is not very good at keeping that game organized. So I purchased a custom insert from The Broken Token to see if […]
Marty’s Musings – The Long & The Short Of It
Do you prefer to play one long game or lots of shorter games. I share my thoughts in my latest Marty’s Musings
Win Geek Out or Draco Magi
We are currently running two contests for some great games. First is Geek Out from Playroom Entertainment. A party game for geeks of all types that was featured on Tabletop. […]
RDTN: Tiny Epic Galaxies Preview
The new game, Tiny Epic Galaxies, from designer Scott Almes and publisher Gamelyn Games is the latest game in the Tiny Epic series. This is sci-fi themed gamed where your […]
RDTN – Marty’s Musing’s – Top 3 ‘Meh’ Games of 2014
2014 had a lot of very popular games, but even with the hype there are some I just felt ‘meh’ about. Here are my top 3