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Episode 6 – Catan: Why you can’t burn your neighbors city
Episode 6 is out for debate. We were lucky enough to have Todd join us for this episode in which we discuss Eurogames vs Ameritrash. To help people have some […]
Money, Money, Money – Kickstart by Minion Games
Marty and I jumped on this Kickstart for coins by Minion Games. These coins will be used in Hegemonic, their new 4x game which was successfully funded this year. It […]
What topics do you want to hear about?
We have the first 13 episodes all planned out. We are going to be covering topics like euro games, dice games, worker placement games, role playing games, miniature games, and […]
We made the evening news
On the latest Dice Tower News video, Tom Vasel introduces us to the community. The whole video is worth watching but our announcement is at the 7:40 mark.
Welcome to the Big Leagues!!!
Well, didn’t think it would happen this fast, but we are in the big leagues as of today. Rolling Dice & Taking Names is now part of the Dice Tower […]
Oh what a night, great games and strange weather
What a very interesting night tonight in our first. First, we got a short but amazing snow storm in our area with huge flakes. It was the kind of snow […]
Episode 5 – Can’t we just all get along (Coop Games)
Episode 5 is out for consumption and it is all about Coop games, one of our favorite style of games. In the first 5 minutes, we don’t jump into Coop […]
Now you too can be Captain Tightpants
Ok, normally I don’t look at a license game to seriously, because well, they usually count on the license to sale the game, but I now that Verse will not […]
Good Timing!
Tony and I just wrapped up Episode 5 which is about coop games. The Dice Tower just released a video discussing their top 10 coop games. They talk about many […]
What the heck…another Incredible Logo
The logo that Steve did for us was awesome, outstanding and would look great on a shirt. However, Marty had a stroke of genius and asked if the shield could be […]