Recent Posts
Fantasy Baseball Draft Day and APBA Baseball
Every year, Marty hosts a fantasy baseball draft. This group that has been together for 13 years and during that time, I have never won. And while I still enjoy […]
5 Minute Initiative: Deck Protectors, they aren’t just for Magic Players
At our local game store, we asked the owner who purchases deck protectors. Expecting to hear that it is mixed from and card players to board game players, we […]
Last day for Dungeon Roll Kickstart
I am not sure if you have seen our posts about this, but both Marty and I have jumped on the bandwagon for the Dungeon Roll Kickstart and must say, […]
TMG…You are killing us, back to back Kickstarts
Love this new case!!! Not only is your Dungeon Roll Kickstart looking better and better, TMG just sent us an email that says: Eminent Domain: Escalation Will be going live […]
Episode 7 – Rollin’ Them Bones
Roll the dice and take a listen to Episode 7. In this episode, we talk about dice games, what we think makes a good dice game, and just how people […]
5 Minute Initiative: Eminent Domain
Eminent Domain brings pictures to mind of the Federal Government taking control of your land or property for the good of others, whether you like it or not. In this […]
Gamers Making a Difference
Today I saw something happen on the interwebs that really helps restore faith in humanity. The Dork Tower and Munchkin artist, John Kovalic, decided to help out a friend of his who […]
5 Minute Initiative-Android: Netrunner
Marty had this brilliant idea that we should do 5 minute podcasts to discuss stuff that is going on in the gaming world. Stuff like: Game Reviews Game Reports Interesting […]
“The most expensive part of building is the mistakes.” ― Ken Follett, The Pillars of the Earth
I blogged (Missed it by that much) about getting a worker placement game and finally broke down and picked up Pillars of the Earth by Mayfair Games. Why did I […]
How creative people think-Story behind the logo
Ever wonder how creative people think? What their thought process is when they come up with those great ideas? Ever thought to yourself, I wish I could have thought of […]