Author: admin
To the Walls!!! Castle Panic Impressions
I treated myself to a impulse buy before the holidays and picked up Castle Panic. I had watched the Tabletop show on Castle Panic and I am always looking for […]
That is a sweet logo, can I get that on a T-shirt
Today we were able to unveil the new Rolling Dice & Taking Names logo. That is right, we are getting serious about this stuff. A friend of ours is in […]
Our thoughts on Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
At our local gaming club meeting hosted by our Local Gaming Store, Marty and I got to play Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game. So, we thought before too much time passed we […]
What about those games I was looking forward to?
At the end of 2011, I posted on another gaming blog the three games I was most looking forward to buying in 2012. I recently reread that post to see if my […]
Episodes now on iTunes
Our episodes are now available on iTunes! Go here to subscribe.
Episode 3 – What do rainbows smell like?
Episode 3 is out for consumption. In this podcast: Marty and I attempt to explain our understanding of the various card games out on the market. We talk about CCGs or […]
New Pandemic, so that is why there is a delay
So yesterday, Zman posted some big news about Pandemic. It seems instead of working on the expansion like they told Marty and I at Origins, they are releasing a new […]
Missed it by that much
This week there was a big sale over at one of the online retailers I have used in the past. They were offering 50% off on Mayfair games, the guys […]
5 Second Rule and it isn’t about eating something off the floor
Apologize for the absence, but since the vacation been trying to catch up and get moving into the new year. Matter of fact, had to get ready for a Warmachine tournament […]