RDTN Episode 88: I Can’t Drive 55 – Ignacy is in the house, Sularia Card Game, GAMA Thoughts

cc_cover_roboczy_loresTime for our yearly visit with Ignacy Trzewiczek and as always, it was a blast. He was upfront with the plans at Portal games this year and talked to us about 51st State, Cry Havoc and the new game Crazy Karts that was announced at GAMA 2016. We also got to share in a designing session with Ignacy on the challenges he is facing with First Martians. Our input might get us some credit on the box. Okay, that might be a stretch because we didn’t help one bit. We went into great depth about the app that will be used in First Martians and found it interesting how decisions you input into the campaign may impact games later down the line. Yes, that is legacy style, but without changing the rules and board. He also was kind enough to answer our questions from the guild.

20160320_231444We also discussed a new card game the Battle of Sularia that was funded on Kickstarter and you know how we love card games. What is different about this game is the use of two “resources” to play cards. One resource lets you place sites or play special cards in your resource site and the other which is generated by the sites played let you play soldiers to the battlefield. Very unique and if you are interested, give them a look.  Punch-It is going to release an expansion on Kickstarter in April so that shows a commitment to the product for now. Also, for more information, take a look at Lance’s video.

We also talk about GAMA 2016 held during the week of March 14-18. There were live feeds going on and in one of those, there is an interesting discussion going on between Anton Torres from Fantasy Flight (Asmodee North) and W.Eric Martin of BGG. Here is a link to the video, and if you go to the 4:25:00 mark, you can do your homework assignment from our show. And yes, the notes are on a piece of wood, we were not messing around.

Segment, Time
Intro, 00:45
RDTN NCAA Bracket Tournament, 2:40
Ignacy in the House, 4:30
Family & Snapchat, 6:15
Inis New Game, 11:00
51st State, 12:20
Cry Havoc, 23:40
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet, 35:40
Crazy Kart, 50:45
You asked – Ignacy Answers, 1:04:35
Ignacy in America,1:14:00
Outro, 1:19:10
Battle of Sularia,1:20:30
GAMA Discussion,1:24:05
Homework Assignment, 1:34:40

2 Replies to “RDTN Episode 88: I Can’t Drive 55 – Ignacy is in the house, Sularia Card Game, GAMA Thoughts”

  1. Jonathan

    I loved Eric’s line in response to Anton saying it wasn’t a knee-jerk reaction: “It takes a lot of time to institute dictatorial control”. Indeed. Sounds like Asmodee NA is either wanting to pick the winners & losers, or for some reason isn’t happy w/ the current winners. Bizarre.
    And Tony, isn’t that technically just a wood product you’re scrawling your notes on there? 😉

    • Tony McRee

      Well played…I get it, paper is made from wood, I used wood.

      Yeah, that all stream of thought was very interesting. Marty and I went to our YLGS and talked to the owner and he had an interesting perspective as well. Either way, it will be interesting to see how all this works out in the end.

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