RDTN Episode 48: Carolina on my Mind – Shadowrun Crossfire, Toy Hall of Fame, and Two Contests

This episode is just us this time. We were recovering from our marathon with the Geek All Stars when we recorded this episode. We talk about the upcoming gaming convention in Charlotte called MACE which is being held November 7-9, 2014. It is at the Hilton Charlotte University Place if you can find time to come down. Marty and I hope to hold a tournament that weekend if the logistics work out. We are still ironing out the details, they are rather rough, but it will be for the charity Turner Syndrome Society. This is the same charity that the Geek Allstars support with their 24 hour gaming marathon. You can find more information about this event at Gamers for Cures. We have also received a pass to MACE that we will be giving away to someone that our listeners nominate.

CrossfireCoverOne more important thing in the episode is Catalyst Game Labs sent us some of the expansion packs for their new game Shadowrun: Crossfire. We are giving these away to four listeners who get us a picture. We can’t thank Catalyst enough for providing us with this giveaway of their expansion. Marty gives you all the details in the show but two things to remember: use #RDTNShadowrun and only available to listeners in the continental United States, sorry. The expansion cost less than shipping if we were to send it over the pond.

And all the links we promised:
MACE Con,Gamers for Cures
BryceCon,Toy Hall of Fame
And now the good stuff
Segment, Time
MACE Contest,12:40
Toy Hall of Fame,22:15
Shadowrun Crossfire,40:30
Shadowrun Contest,54:30
Things that have our attention -Squirrel,57:30

One Reply to “RDTN Episode 48: Carolina on my Mind – Shadowrun Crossfire, Toy Hall of Fame, and Two Contests”

  1. Nate

    Good Episode guys, you covered two topics that I’m really interested in. Very excited to do MACE again this year, will hopefully see and game with you again this year. Also good to hear your thoughts on Crossfire. Last time I saw Marty, he was trying it for the first time, so good to hear it went well. Will definitely have to check it out.

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