RDTN Episode 327: Star Tycoon, Cities, Landmarks and SWU: Shadows of the Galaxy

00:03:51 Holiday Adventures
00:09:17 Slingz
00:14:57 Rehash of Old Games
00:18:45 Taste Buds
00:29:25 Miniature Market
00:31:05 Star Tycoon
00:49:07 Cities
00:56:31 Gametoppers LLC
00:59:11 Landmarks
01:12:05 Portal Games
01:13:10 Star Wars Unlimited
01:19:49 Gamegenic

There are many games about manipulating a stock market or trying to be a Tycoon of an industry. So, when we heard about Star Tycoon, we wondered what was different from all the other games in this category. For me, two things jumped out when playing. First, the market is not the dominating factor in this game, there is a nice balance between that and your other objectives. Second, the market wasn’t the only thing contributing to how you got your resources. Like the balance this game brought into the crowded stock market games.

Cities was a quick game to play with the need to concentrate on a few objectives and not many. And when teaching the game, it might need to be pointed out. This game will promote some sort of hate drafting to keep others from amassing large number of points and while this is solitary in play, little interaction, you need to pay attention to what others are doing.

Thanks for listening and hope you are having a wonderful summer so far.

2 Replies to “RDTN Episode 327: Star Tycoon, Cities, Landmarks and SWU: Shadows of the Galaxy”

  1. Phil

    Here in the UK we have numerous flavours of crisps (chips in American) Inc. Cajun Squirrel!

    …but the one that divides opinion more than any, which you will have to try is ‘Twiglets’- love ‘em or hate ‘em! (I am the former!)

    • admin

      I’m interested in trying snacks. Very interested in Cajun Squirrel (as I’m actually tried squirrel) and Twiglets may be something we have to look for

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