RDTN Episode 147: Origins 2018, Age of Sigmar Soul Wars, Lorenzo Expansion

Marty returns with the wonders and not so wondrous sightings from Origins 2018. The Vendor and Game Hall were where the wonders occurred and at the hotel, there was the not so wondrous sightings due to his roommates. One thing about Origins that I always appreciated was the chance not only to play the new games, but to also get in the old games as well. Origins has a nice, relaxed atmosphere about it and if you haven’t attended, maybe someday you can. I know I hope to get back there.

Marty’s middle child Travis takes over the review corner and schools his father on Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Soul Wars. I remember the days when I had that passion for a miniature game kind of like Travis has for Warhammer. He is into the lore and really enjoys what Games Workshop is releasing these days. No wonder it is contagious for Marty. If you are thinking about dipping your toe into this or jumping back in, listening to an “expert” on the subject. So glad Travis took my place on this, I would not have done it the justice he does.

But, I had some passion this show as well for the expansion to my 2017 GoTY, Lorenzo il Magnifico. Houses of Renaissance introduces family powers and a new tower to help you gain ultimate control of the region. I always enjoy when an expansion adds some meat to a game without changing it dramatically and in my opinion, this expansion did just that. So, if you enjoy Lorenzo as much as I do, highly recommend picking this up.

As always, thanks for listening and our next episode will begin to explorer the games from Origins 2016

Segment, Time
Intro, 00:37
Jeopardy Question,3:29
50th Birthday, 5:35
Origin Talk Starts Now, 7:00
Plan B Games, 7:20
Thinking of Tony, 8:55
Stories from Origin,10:48
Lorenzo il Magnifico Houses of Renaissance,16:24
Back to Origins, 24:08
Plaid Hat Games,28:05
Osprey Games,29:06
Hotness at Origins,32:00
Age of Sigmar Champions Teaser,34:50
The Broken Token,40:40
Android Netrunner Demise,42:25
Age of Sigmar Second Edition,49:35
The Miniature Market,1:17:55
Origins Awards,1:22:10
Edible Games Cookbook,1:26:15
Stikfas Video Kickstarter,1:27:20
Portal Games,1:31:40

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