Bueller, Bueller…Where have we been?
Yeah, we have been kind of absent from our duties on the blog as of late. Sorry about that. Spring is here and we have had some incredible weather in the Carolinas. What that means is the opportunity to do more chores outside. We haven’t neglected gaming, just getting things posted and doing a few recordings. We are in sort of a crunch with Marty heading to Origins in two weeks. We need to get two shows done in a shorter time span than normal and we have been trying to line up people to come on the show. What does that have to do with anything? We are just running out of time. So, to catch people up this has been what is happening:
I am in the process of putting final touches on a game review for thegamerscodex.com. This has been probably one of the harder things that I have had to do in awhile. Not sure why, but the words just aren’t flowing. Anyway, it should be out next week so give it a read.
Marty has tried out some new games, Tzolk’in and Terra Mystica. I hope to get over there and give them a try, but time is not looking good.

Marty and I have the Netrunner Tournament next weekend, so need to tweak the decks a bit if we have any hopes of not being in the bottom.
Marty is working on other projects for the podcast that we reveal this week when we post Episode 13. The editing of that episode is really eating up his time.
Well, time to go clean out the garage. Don’t you just love spring!