Episode 32: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

cutmypic (4) This episode is a little light on game discussion, sorry about that. We are in a lull coming off the big holiday rush and well, we did this coast down as we gear up for another year. In this episode, Alex and Todd visit us again with their second installment of War College where they discuss the idea of reconnaissance in board gaming. Marty and I discuss a challenge for our listeners to take part in over at our BGG forum and we also close out our At The Table for February which asks the probing question, what game(s) would you play if stuck inside with a snow storm going on outside. At the time of this writing, we are expected to get 4 to 8 inches of snow in our area and for us. That is a bunch of snow that can keep us off the streets for 3 days depending on temperatures the next day. As such, this At the Table couldn’t have come at a better time.


Segment, Time
Intro, 1:00
Spend My Allowance, 12:15
War College, 21:00
Recon to us, 39:00
At the Table, 44:00
In Closing, 53:40

Enjoy the show and if you haven’t watched our terrible acting jobs yet and have 3 minutes of your life to give up, check us out here.

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